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Video PowerPoint for LAN, CD & Web: Torex Health Plc
video slide webcasts & eventstreaming PowerPoint webcast production for LAN and web
Corporate presentation production Sales reports webcasts and cds, customer service webcast producers
training cd and dvd production
live video producers
1. Steve Garrington, MD of Torex Health Plc. wanted to give a 30 minute presentation to the whole organisation as he opened the company's new offices in Banbury. But he needed to reach five UK locations and many field workers based at home.
2. Just days before the offices opened, we set up the lights to film. Steve could take the presentation one step at a time, eliminating pauses and ensuring that every point was covered precisely, as he intended.
3. We prepared one version for the Torex LAN and three versions for the Internet, at 250k/s, 100k/s and 56k/s. The whole organisation was therefore able to view Steve's presentation, flawlessly performed.
4. Read Claire Keeley, Torex Marketing Manager's testimonial.

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