International Criminal Court of Justice (ICC): Media production consultancy services. |
Learning and Skills Network: Conference webcasting & CD-ROM production. |
NILTA (National Information Learning Technologies Association): Annual conference webcasts & CD-ROM production. |
NIACE (National Institute of Adult Continuing
Education): Annual conference webcasts & CD. |
Association of London Government: CD-ROM design & production. |
London Borough of Lambeth: CD-ROM tooltkit for London LEAs 'Children Missing Education'. |
Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council: Conference Video and CD-ROM production. |
energywatch: Live webcasting and video seminar/training CD-ROM. |
Loughborough University: Bi-annual live graduation webcasting. |
The Prince of Wales' Business & the Environment Programme: Video production, webcasting & encoding services. |
Croydon College: Mmedia encoding and video hosting services. |
Joint Educational Trust: Educational/fund raising video, DVD & webcast production. |
Joint Information Strategy Committee:
Live webcasting & CD-ROM production. |
Special Educational Needs Tribunal Wales (SENTW): Video, DVD & webcast production. |
S4C: Chanel 4 Wales: Live webcasting and archiving services. |
British Medical Association: Live conference webcasting, video & DVD production. |
Association for Perioperative Practice: Conference multimedia PowerPoint CD-ROM |
Alzheimer's Society: Video encoding and hosting. |
Ferring Pharmaceuticals: International Medical Symposium webcasting. |
ESHRE: European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology: Video Production & webcasting |
European Society of Vascular Surgery: conference video, encoding and hosting |
Oasis Healthcare: Conference Video/ PowerPoint CD-ROM production |
Wolseley Plc: Consultancy services. |
BALPA: British Airline Pilots' Association: Video production and webcasting services. |
Surface Technology Sytems: Corporate video production. |
BECTA (British Educational Communications and Technology
Agency): Webcasting. |
QARTS: Exhbitions in North East: 24/7 live performance art webcasting. |
TS Henderson & Co Precision Engineers: Website design, corporate
video production. |
Bikes and Hikes: Website design and hosting. |
Interactivities-UK: Wwebsite design & media encoding & hosting hosting. |
Ignite New Media: Media encoding and hosting. |