1. An
initial page opens from a simple link on your existing website and
introduces the webcast to your audience. You do not need to
redesign your website and we brand the page to match.
3. An
optional feedback form now opens - and this can contain any information
you wish to gather, such as e-mail addresses etc. You can
also deliver passwords in response to an authenticated form submission
- i.e. this page can come before a password request..
5. The
video/slide presentation can be of any length. It can also be paused
at any time and viewers can resume by using the controls
to fast forward. Slides change automatically alongside.
2. For
confidential webcasts -e.g. to field workers at home - password
protection is now invoked as the viewer proceeds.
4. After
the form is submitted, the viewer is presented with a choice of
speeds and/or webcasts - this can be a single webcast or an interactive
archive of Video on Demand presentations.
6. Despite
the limitations of dial up modems and slow connections, these viewers
also receive acceptable quality thanks to powerful new compression
techniques. Interactive CD versions can contain up to 20 hours
of video/slide presentations.